Winter Solstice for 2024
For those of you that live in Nashville the Winter Solstice will arrive on Saturday, December 21st at 3:07 AM. This is the correct time because we are at 87 degrees longitude not the 90 degrees that CST is on so that difference needs to be applied, you don’t want to be late for this moment which will only last for 4 minutes of time. It brings about the shortest day and the longest night.
The Archangel Gabriel, which is the Angel of Love, and carries the white rose will have dominion over the Earth for the next 3 months. A physical phenomenon that has a spiritual counterpart in the ministry of the Cosmic Christ to our planet. This vibration will descend once again into the depths of our spirituality, helping to bring salvation to our soul and to re-connect the love in the human heart to its origin. He is a Divine messenger that will bring a wave of Celestial Light to all that call Gaia their home. He like all exalted celestial beings can go from the non-physical to the physical dimension. He will take the Earth in his arms and because of the greater silence begin to unite our mental realm with the spiritual realm. The veiled parts of our nature are revealed so that one can see or connect to the true form of intelligences which are what we call our guides, angels, or messengers. Usually during winter, we feel the changes that are going on in nature and like nature we retreat into the world of the subjective. This then causes those that are intellectually and spiritually aware to be open to the impulses that are being outlined in the planets and stars. This is because our neural processes give cognitive awareness to our beliefs. This then gives reality to the subconscious so that a select few begin to claim what they seek. Our soul gets a chance to enjoy the inner enrichment of its organic essence as our false personality is renounced so that the Christ Self is born within. But for some, Lucifer, Ahriman and Mephistophelian beings will keep them in a state of cosmic childhood.
To those that can integrate these energies a spiritual ecstasy which is sensed through our feelings or intuition can awaken one especially when timed within a ceremony in which one meditates and wears the color of white, enjoys the incense of frankincense, burns white candles, and listens to the heavenly voice of the Ave Maria so that all our senses become attuned to this moment and allows one to embrace their relationship to the genetic code of their organic essence. A new cycle of growth as one begins to spiral to a higher level of evolutionary fulfillment due to the spiritual awakening from within. A moment when the Light of the Prime Creator can become embodied within those that are spiritually attuned. This will also invoke the Divine Mary Magdalene, the most advanced feminine Initiate that has graced our planet. This is because of the Moon which represents women is in the sign of Virgo, a sign of the healer. So, look for women to begin bringing forth the power of truth, principals, and renewed faith. It’s all about family, the rights of women as well as one’s Akashic Records. She is to act as a catalyst to free one from the dogma and the suppression of organic truths. Also, on December 19th, the Sun is in alignment with our Galactic Center which is at 27 degrees of Sagittarius which is the black hole or the nucleus of life in this galaxy. This is the informational link which through the detection of the gamma rays, x rays, and ultraviolet waves that are being sucked in, then reconstituted, and emitted back out into the Milky Way, connecting back to our Sun, solar system, and Earth. This Light of love penetrates the hearts of not only humanity but especially the hearts of women. A time to receive a new benediction. This represents the unfoldment of the feminine so that the veil of the Sophia is lifted, and the daughters of the Light once again have a communion with the Godhead represented by the core of our galaxy, and through their wisdom take their rightful place in the evolution of our society. The Oracle Pythia has been resurrected which was the High Priestess of the Temple of Delphi that channeled directly to Apollo. Even the Sun reveals in its light the flame of the human spirit that radiates around the globe.
You do not have to be an astrologer to understand that this is a very blessed cosmic event that I would not want anyone to miss. The macrocosm is playing out within the microcosm in which we live. It’s a moment in which your prayers are heard and then materialize back into the organic essence of your reality. Thus, a Baptismal within you says I must free myself from the interests of my ego and once again taste the inner enrichment of my true self. This is like a New Year’s resolution, but this is more of an intention in which new beginnings that brings about your rebirth, your resurrection and the renovating of your evolution can now begin. Take a moment here and shed that garment of flesh and awaken unto the Light within you so that you can experience your own Immaculate Conception bringing about an appreciation of the Divine Essence that is being resurrected from within. The cosmos is alive, you just need to take a moment and separate yourself from this masquerade and embraced the Shekinah