Solar Eclipse for April 8th 2024
The Annular Solar Eclipse will begin in Texas around the Dallas area around 1:30 PM CDT and exit through Caribou, Maine around 3:32 EDT. One can goggle the path on the internet. The path of the eclipse is a good hundred and fifty miles wide and will last for an amazing 4 minutes and 27 seconds in its totality. Only a select few will be able to view this Divine Celestial event that will have a terrestrial effect on that which lies within the shadow of its path as well as alter the essential rhythm of those within its path.
Solar Eclipses can only occur when there is a New Moon. But this is a Moon that is flexing its muscles as it blocks out the Sun. Which means it will be the dominant player. Because it occurs in the sign of Aries which deals with being assertive, motivated and seeks definition as it unfolds personally as well as in a mundane way around the globe it becomes a focal point. Aries is the warrior of the zodiac and does not surrender nor take no for an answer in getting what it wants and needs. So, I am worried there could be major problems that could escalate into differences of opinion in cities throughout the world that deal from uprisings to acts of war. This is because logic and objectivity will surrender to emotional turmoil. This will be exposed within the next 2 to 4 months.
New Moons to those that have an evolved objective and subjectivity consciousness are all about planting seeds, giving conscious expression to that in which we want to materialize or manifest in our life. Because the Sun is being blocked out, the Moon, which represents our heritage, family, ancestry, past life as well our emotions and feelings that we have carried from one lifetime to another, then becomes a focal point. I could say there will be a select few that will experience a vibrational jump into a new paradigm of thinking giving one a new purpose to pursue. To some, a fragment of their Sirian DNA which deals with the Isis the goddess of the feminine is given expression once again. Because the Moon is what we call a luminary it brings to light that which has been hibernating within one’s subconscious and polarizes those energies on areas of our life that are not in harmony. So, one then becomes more aware of that which is inhibiting one’s growth. So, it’s time to isolate and meditate and put oneself into a transcendent state of consciousness. This then causes those that are spiritually attuned to seek a new spatial dimension and then separate from the physical and embrace the etheric plane of consciousness.
Eclipses usually portend not only the unexpected but obviously bring about upsetting events. Just as the shadow can cool the Earth it can vibrate the core which can bring about earthquakes, disasters, unusual weather patterns, tornados, or hurricanes they can cause emotional frustration within some people causing them to lose control over their lives especially people in prominent positions can fall from grace. Major cities as well as countries will experience upheavals just as riots, strikes, crime and military conflicts. So, one must focus their attention to feel deeply the presence of that which is within. So, a time to vanquish the ghosts of our unredeemed collective past. An evolutionary tide is compelling those that have become spiritually enlightened to embrace a new perspective on the meaning of being human. One is filled with emotions and feelings but only a select few will become fluid with embracing a new signature and experience a vibrational jump into a new paradigm of thinking, giving one a new purpose. A chance to transform and rebuild their life. But because both the Sun and Moon are what we call luminaries they bring to light that which has been hibernating within our sub-conscious and polarize those energies on areas of our life that are not in harmony or have an imbalance. So, this configuration demands that we become more aware of that which is inhibiting our growth. Crisis comes into our life to produce that intended growth. Because this comes so abruptly most people are not ready or able to deal with the disruptions or flaws that are suddenly manifesting. So, the longer one takes in resolving what is unfolding the more mass that is given to the crisis. But to some this causes those that are once again spiritually as well as intellectually conscious to seek a new spatial dimension and separate from the chaos and embrace the non-linear matrix of life.
Here is when one can enter the omega state or point of unification. The synthetics of your past experiences and evolution which are a part of your root reality comes to the surface and is felt by those that seek to open themself to their auric egg which are our recorded events and activate these records to become holistic onto the contents of your structural container. Eclipses usually portent not only the unexpected but bring about upsetting events. So, this can cause the delicate balance of the majority of people to become disturbed causing repercussions within their biological or psychological urges. Your happiness can become static as challenges bring on one crisis after another. Many will experience problems with economics, health or within their personal or professional life.
The planting of new seeds means that you can activate new experiences as issues are resolved. The Moon is about change, to become more fluid so that a select few can embrace a new signature in rewriting a more authentic chapter that has been incubating within their soul’s womb. This can cause one to change jobs, buy a new home, start a family or get married, which represent new chapters, fresh beginnings that empower one to move forward. That urge then begins to act and becomes a focal point so that you can bring closure and move forward with pure intent during the next 2 to 4 weeks. But, moving forward is dependent upon your spiritual awareness because this determines how you will address this major turning point in your life. Crisis comes into our life to produce intended growth. So, instead of remaining stranded and contained within your egocentric world you need to purge, thin out and let go of the existing matrix and embrace the non-linear matrix of life. The Sun and Moon persuade you to be compliant as you release the toxicities.
Because this occurs in the sign of Aries, look at the area of your chart that Aries rules to see if there is a planet at 18,19, or 20 degrees. It will become a focal point for the next 3 to 6 months when the daily movement of the other planets form certain mathematical relationships to that degree. It once again could bring some kind of crisis which will test your strengths but yet bring about an inner healing and spiritual balance. To those that have cleaned out those inner closets new opportunities are given birth.
In conclusion, I must look at this from an esoteric point of view. On a global level a mutation within many humans is becoming a reference of toxicity that will affect the majority of mankind. But we also have a cosmic event that allows some souls the raw essence of their being to evolve into a new spatial dimension. We get a chance to act as a host to the Light vibrations so that we may open the 7th chakra and spiritually embody the seed of Christ Consciousness. So, how do you want to handle this?