March 20-April 19
This is a brand-new year and a time to put the past behind you and bring about that rebirth that has been incubating within you. Very minor problems this month that are being caused by Mars normally associated with war. So, it can cause people to start testing your strengths. You are the leader of the zodiac but once again others may try to limit your freedom by thinking you need to be on a tight leash. Arguments then ensue which can cause you to be reckless in bringing about accidents. This can also cause fevers, headaches, high blood pressure and low libido. So, take a moment when exposed to these conditions and think about how you want to react. Mercury the planet of communications is upon you in a very favorable way. It may be time to get a new I-phone, update your business cards as well as your website. It also deals with your internet, WIFI as well as your computer. Because this planet deals with transactions as well as contracts look to increase sales. It may be time to go to a lecture or seminar or maybe even give one. Invitations come from relatives for formal events. A time to stimulate the mind by going to the theater, concerts, or just to a new restaurant. Jupiter, the planet that wants to expand all your aspirations, is also in a good pattern for you. This planet is very spiritual as well as mental. Because it’s one of the biggest planets so it deals with growth. So, a great time to take a vacation and the farther the better. It also deals with formal events that require proper attire. Because it gives answers to your questions it is a good time to take a test or attend an interview. Anything dealing with legally would be in your favor as this planet gives rewards that put you on the higher rung of the ladder. It might be time to propose to that person that holds your heart as Venus, the planet of love has its arms around you. Venus deals with the luxuries of life so it’s time to do some serious shopping. It’s a great time to reconnect with friends from the past and for those that are looking to update their looks you could get some Botox, or elective surgery. Last of all don’t forget Valentines is here so time to get that Hallmark card, flowers and reservations at a high-end restaurant. Pluto for those born into the first 3 days of your sign begins a 2-year journey in your life. As you begin to shred parts of your past and renovate your life you begin to streamline it with fresh circumstances that will better serve your needs. It’s time to nourish a new status quo. New bridges need to be built so that you can cross over and experience the energy of a new grid system. This in turn will cause you to rebuild cell by cell the garment needed as you create a new conscious mapping for greater progressive changes in your direction. As the static of your life dissipates a new paradigm of life begins to open for you. As you integrate into a new planetary matrix the structure of your destiny become synonymous with a new cosmic field of activity. With the Full Moon on the 12th, you need to get out and enjoy the evening to the very fullest.
April 20-May20
Being what they call Taurus the bull means that change is difficult to synthesize in your life but if you understood that you’re really preventing evolution of your consciousness you might be more of a willing participant and permit yourself to embrace greater external expression within life. This month the Sun and Mercury gang up on you to first cause you some acute health problems not chronic, so make sure vitamin D-3 and zinc are in your diet to help bolster the immune system and put distance between you and those that are sick or not feeling well physically or psychologically. Mercury can bring problems with communication that include your I-phone, computer, router, but also in conversations with others. Differences of opinions that bring about mental stress and anxiety so be a good listener and be tactful in your response. You might be more of a defensive driver with less petal to the metal to lessen accidents. Pluto says it’s time to enable the Soul and make a new contract with yourself. This planet makes a very subject impact upon you as it causes you to look at what is working in your life and what isn’t. This planet has x-ray eyes so as it dissects who and what you are and causes you to be honest with yourself. You put yourself as well as everything in your life under a microscope. What is working and what is not. Pluto is life and death so a time to purge yourself of false attachments. It’s a warm embrace in which one eliminates any kind of toxicity and replaces the void with new conditions that offer fresh circumstances which usher in new paradigms. Neptune the planet of visions, dreams and your imagination needs to be given an external expression. Yes, I’m asking you to let the right side of the brain take control and be your guide if you want to take part in redesigning your architectural blueprint. You have the ability to concentrate and focus and with your persistence of thought you can materialize anything but, that’s just it, you need to learn to let go of that which no longer serves you and embrace a new thirst. You need to be your own voice so don’t let others push you into making decisions that will not serve your infinite purpose. It’s time to act like the pioneer and push yourself beyond the boundaries and into the unknown. The vacuum gives way too many new creations that you have engineered. It’s time to build your own Ark and rescue yourself and others that give continuity to the seed that will deliver you to a new job, place to live or a relationship that will sustain and facilitate a new network of living. As time goes on you manifest the seeds you planted into a new linear matrix in life. So, love yourself enough so that you liberate yourself from any kind of bondage and implant a new destiny that gives you sovereignty. The planet Saturn which rules the left side of our brain, so you become much more objective and rational in your thinking so less mistakes. This planet also gives one persistence and conviction of thought so one begins to finish up all those loose ends. It’s time to move forward out of the monotony and bring a breath of fresh air into your personal and professional life. Sometimes the past needs to be boxed up and put in the attic along with all our other memories. Uranus, the planet of the future and adventure, will encourage you to design a new path for yourself as it reveals the areas of your life that you need to let go of. This planet says it’s time to be impulsive and more adventurous so it’s time to put the metal to the petal and take the nearest exit and separate yourself from the status quo. Mars, the planet that doesn’t take no for an answer says be assertive and embrace your wants and needs. It also uplifts the libido. Neptune, the planet that rules the ocean, says it is time to get out of town and take a cruise or at least head for the beaches of Florida. The New Moon on the 28th says time to escape this reality and create a reality in which your dreams, prayers, hopes and wishes would become a tangible manifestation.
May 21-June 20
Neptune the planet of feelings, dreams and clarity is slowly moving forward out of the stationary position it has been in to resurrect itself after being exiled into the empty shadows. This planet operates from the right side of our brain so that it can cause you to be on an emotional rollercoaster. Memories of the past that affected you with loss and separation have caused you to shed tears of grief. So, it was your own emotional assessments that prevented the host of liberation from intervening. You are always trying to do the right thing because you have a very compassionate nature. This month you really need to have your space and think about your needs and not what others want from you. This is because Saturn, the planet of limitations, can cause others to overstep their boundaries with you in that they think you need a guide or compass. All you need is someone to understand that all you need is time alone. Those things that have been on the back burner that you have wanted to update for the longest time, well it’s time to get estimates and get started so that a new tangible reality is created. Jupiter, the planet of truth and honesty, is in your sign and will hold your hand for the next few months and because it’s the largest of all the planets it helps you to expand many of your aspirations in life. Will it be a new job, place to live, more money or a relationship that wants to share mutual objectives and goals with you. It helps you to see clearly as well as take complete control of what you desire and not what people desire of you. The flip flopping has come to an end, so you can breathe again. It’s time to make some serious thought-provoking decisions so stick with it and move out of the playground that others play in. It’s not that you can’t handle responsibilities it’s that others impose themselves upon you to help them with their agendas but somehow disappear when you need help or their cooperation in dealing with things in your life. Sounds a little lopsided to me. So, try not to surrender to needy people that are using your emotions to make you feel guilty if you don’t want to hold their hand. Also, this month the Sun, which deals with your self-esteem teams with Jupiter to bring sudden as well exciting changes that could deal with traveling out of town, signing up for a lecture or getting invited to formal events or receiving some kind of rewards or honors. Be impulsive and outside the lines for what lies before you is a more quantified vision of your future. Venus, the planet of love comes into your life to bring about social reform and new people personally or professionally. It’s time to do some serious shopping to update that wardrobe that expanded social life. If you’re single you may want to get out of the house with friends because they can act as a catalyst to meet new people or a person that causes your heart to beat a little bit faster. A couple of days surrounding the Full Moon on the 12th is a great time to be more impulsive and separate yourself from the status quo. Pluto, the most powerful planet causes you to respond to a new stimulus as it declutters or decontaminate that which is malfunctioning in your life. It’s an externalization of your subjective states of being so that one sees that which needs to be shredded. This then causes a resurrection of the true self as one sees through the veneer of life which then causes one to release false attachments which eliminates all toxins.
June 21-July 21
Venus, the planet of love, for it rules the heart chakra is the only planet this month you will have a problem with. Some people but not all may start displaying possessive behavior towards you. This then can interfere with your comfort zone as there can be certain people that are jealous or envious of you. This includes friends or your relationship. This can then lead to some people that you meet that are greedy, superficial as well as demanding all your time and energy because of their insecurities. So, you may need to sit down with them and have a serious talk about their behavior or send them to the corner for a time out. This planet deals with beauty so it may be time to take a good in the mirror and see if an update is needed. Whether it’s the television or other possessions there can be problems that bring about stress because they’re not working. Mars, the planet that causes one to not take no for an answer, is holding your hand to help you move forward as well as overcome some of these distortions. This planet is assertive, adventurous, impulsive, decisive and welcomes all forms of competition. Mars, deals with sex so no flannel sheets needed. Even Uranus, the planet of change as well as adventure is making you very restless and moody with the status quo so it’s time to be impulsive and embrace that which is outside the lines of the status quo so that your heart begins to beat again. New ideas and a sense of adventure brings out your brilliance and encourages you to get off the path you’re on and take the nearest exit. It’s time to be the rebel and express your rights and opinions and challenge that, which has outlived its useful purpose. The more impulsive you are the better life will be. It’s time to express your ideas and do what you want in life not what others want you to do. This gives you the spark to begin the augmentation of your physical world into the spiritual world of the invisible. Uranus gives you a chance to start reprogramming your response. No more will you look in the rear-view mirror for the radiance of the Sun is before you, causing those temporary seeds that you’ve sowed to become fabricated. New portals have opened, giving you greater ability to sense that the social and material status of your life now has a heartbeat. This is because Saturn is a planet that rules common sense which means that it is objective, rational and gives persistence of thought, so what can you accomplish and all that has been on the back burner becomes a reality. Neptune brings genuine opportunities to expand the subjective properties of your life into physical definitions. Are you reading a book or writing one? Is it a wall that you’re painting or a canvas? Lectures or seminars that lie out of state help to thin out illusions to bring greater truth and faith. Your mind is alive with ideas and dreams that need a tangible manifestation. Your sign is connected with Mary Magdalene, the teacher of purification, ascension and equality.
July 22-August 22
When planets are in Aquarius which is your opposite sign then they certainly begin to test your strengths. So, there are 4 heavenly bodies that are doing just that, trying to press your buttons and tell you how to run your life. The people that are guilty of this kind of rudeness can be easily sliced and diced by you verbally in a way that they think you just gave them a compliment. I love the Leo charm. Mercury, the planet of communication, is one of the planets that will bring about an abundance of mental stress and anxiety. Because you seem to be spread too thin so you can become absent-minded. Where are my car keys, what else did I need from the store and where was I supposed to go today? You may have to dumb down to certain people because they have been intellectually neutered to get your point across. This planet is in opposition to you so understand nothing is your fault here. There could be minor problems with your cell phone, computer, router, internet or people doing 25 in a 75 mile an hour zone. More than just a shot of Vodka is needed here. The Sun, which deals with your vitality says you need to take care of yourself and put some people at arm’s length. Let’s remember that stress can have a physical effect upon you so eat right and organic vitamins are a must, especially vitamin D and get a good 8 hours of sleep. The ball buster of the zodiac is Uranus, the planet of the future and change but also one’s autonomy. So, it says many sudden events can materialize to bring periods of tension, sudden loss or separation. Hopefully it acts in a mundane way to bring about problems with the conveniences of life. The older something is the higher on the list it becomes a target of stress. This planet wakes us up to the fact that we have become obedient to the past and the stagnation of the monotonous patterns that make it very difficult to breathe. It wants to break away from the tight leash and as they say down here in the South time to put the metal to the petal. It may be time to think about a new job or place to live as well as the relationship you are in. Sometimes this planet can put fear into your vocabulary which then causes one to procrastinate in removing oneself from that which has become mundane and boring. Arm yourself so that the structures of life that are collapsing gives you the power to formulate a new creative plan. Begin to resuscitate your life and become the outlaw and learn to defend your individuality which says time for the revolution. It’s time for Leo the Lion to take back her or his throne. Pluto has just moved into the sign of Aquarius which means that it also is opposing you. This will only affect those born in the first few days of their sign. While this may sound foreboding it actually causes one over a two year period to begin to eliminate, declutter or decontaminate your life as you begin to see through the veneer of life. It deals with the externalization of your subjective states of being. It’s like going from childhood to becoming the teenager where we don’t need the babysitter you become one. The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th is the time to hit the accelerator as your imperishable spirit permits you to examine infinite opportunities in the myrid dimensions of one’s evolution. You are a person that can take control and re-program yourself and life and rid yourself of chaos so don’t let others speak for you right now. Education or reading are great outlets as well as watching movies that connect with the core issues of your life, so tune into Netflix or Apple TV, things that you resonant with. Jupiter, the planet that wants to put a smile on your face and expand your aspirations in life, brings about opportunities. It’s a great time for a vacation, sign for school, get married or engaged. Get a promotion or new job. Anything with legally is in your favor. This planet will also help you see through the veil that others are wearing. Last of all, Venus, the planet of love, has its arm around you. Time to get engaged or a wedding date, making travel plans, or just attending many social amenities like going out for dinner, attending a concert, going to the theater or being with friends in which you feel very comfortable with. Last of all, while this month can be stressful in some areas what you see here is a small speck of dust in one’s greater reality of life.
August 23-September 22.
Let’s start with what’s good about the month. You may be trying to break through the barriers that are in your life so that you can create new pathways not only with your personal life but the professional life. With the planet Uranus in a complimentary pattern to your sign, what can’t you accomplish within many levels of your life experiences? This is the planet of the future and changes but more importantly what do you want for yourself and not what others want from you. So, that which has been in a holding pattern is given dimension into your reality. No more hoping, or wishing, the time has come to manifest that new job, make a move or give a relationship a destination. Matter of fact the bigger the project the more that you have the chance of materializing it. This planet with its creative spark will get you out of the shadows. No more being stuck in the monotony of the past. Who does not want to cooperate with you and help nourish your creative expression. It’s time to ask for that pay raise, market yourself to another company or open up your own business. As you raise the vibration of your human vehicle your ascension begins to support your intentions. It’s time to reclaim your rights by taking risks, being impulsive and seeking the sense of adventure. Become the spark in the ongoing pulsation within your life which will cause you to imprint yourself in a new chemistry. Change is the key word here so loosen up and become more flexible to a sense of adventure. Maybe it’s time to freshen up that wardrobe or visit the salon or go to a new restaurant and be around groups of people that have similar interests that are outside the lines of the mundane reality. The planet Mars is also working with you to be assertive in expressing your rights and opinions. It’s the planet of war which means its time to take action, be assertive in defining as well as imprinting your intentions into a tangible form. Try not to over analyze and be more spontaneous with what to choose to initiate. This is a very completive planet so it’s time to sign up for a marathon, go to the gym to get that heart beating faster and certainly your libido is stronger. It comes down to getting away from the monotony and getting some fresh air. Slowly your life needs to begin to resurrect itself from the shadows in which you used to live in. It is a matter of permitting yourself to plant seeds that you have selected, not others, so that you can reach those higher levels of material and spiritual expression. Your life has been at a crossroads so to keep from falling back into confusion and chaos you need to walk through a new portal that will put a wall of protection around you and lead onto the ascension. Say yes to your personal choices that will cause you to engage in the unknown which in time will thin out the illusions that brought about that spiritual amnesia. There can be problems here because you may have family or friends that will not let you renounce the former person that you were. Some are very critical and even callous and offer little nourishment or assistance with the reconfiguration in your total being. The planet Neptune can cause you to doubt that your visions will ever get off the ground. I am here to say that you may modify those dreams but the essence of them will in a step by step and sometimes laborious way become embodied. Last of all Jupiter, the planet of faith and the higher truths, can certainly bring opportunities into your life, but they may not be what they appear to be so do your homework and get your own truths. There may be a few people that take advantage of your kindness and empathy to make you feel guilty if you do not give them what they want from you. Jupiter can bring the beast into your life to repeat the same conceptual games over and over so activate and absorb the greater Light of Christ.
September 23-October 22
This going to be one of the more constructive months for you as 4 planets initiate the broadening of a new phase. This will be felt personally and professionally. It begins by recognizing what isn’t working in your life so that you begin to let go of what has become outdated and then you begin the reconstruction processes that will move forward. Unfortunately, this isn’t done in a few days, but it may take months as you reinvent yourself and your priorities in life. Mars, the planet of war which deals with being assertive and taking action to get what you want can bring a lot of obstructions that can’t be cleared away all at once so, you will have to learn to be patient with yourself. Mars wants things yesterday but circumstances in your life coming from others or conditions can cause you to and become aggressive and impatient so remember you’re a sign of social skills and they are needed at this time. Because this planet causes stress, look for headaches, high blood pressure, low libido, and it’s not a time to put a hammer in your hand. Be careful driving and take a moment how you do respond to narcissist behavior from others. The traditional structures of your life are becoming less viable and it’s time to live your life in a way that expresses your true self. So, the harder you try to hold on to what used to be important in life the harsher the consequences. I’m not saying to throw everything away and start over but begin to utilize your energy more constructively so that your life is much more streamlined to your authentic core. This state of consciousness is caused by Pluto which has a strong subjective impact upon you. So, one looks at what is no longer working in one’s life, what needs to be fixed or what is impeding the self. Because this is just a powerful planet it usually removes permanently rather than fix what is no longer viable. This then causes one to propagate the development of new paradigms which spins off to a new job, place to live, marriage or the development of the higher abstract mind. This planet brings to the surface what needs to be let go of so that you can replace the void with something more relevant. This planet is like the detective, so it causes you to see through the veneer of life. Yes or no, answers turn into conversations and dialogue. Start paying greater attention to the goals that you are pursuing and not let others lead you into their false designs. This planet is usually in one’s life for about 2 years. Like I said you are no longer cut off from your capacity to recreate yourself as this planet will hold your hand as it causes you to initiate and assert your ideas into a fabric of life. This planet also puts you into a position of authority so that you can open a new vortex or gateway and then resuscitate the organic ascension of the self. The Full Moon on the 12th can put you on stage so it’s not time to vegetate but put yourself in front of the camera. Jupiter, the planet that gives one better judgment, will hold your hand for the next few months but for it to expand your aspirations in life you must renew yourself with faith. It’s time to be the preacher, teacher or seer delivering the greater truths to those that listen. While most of this month can bring problems with friends, work, and your relationship it causes you to focus on fulfilling your truth. So, why not go into a brief state of hibernation and address those things that you’ve put on the back shelf. This is caused by Venus, the planet of love which causes others to demand instead of asking which can be a little irritating so, let purpose begin to guide you so that you can shed any residues of dependent disorders. You should be able to feel the frequency within you changing so that a greater understanding of what is relevant to the development of fundamental truths and beliefs causes you to make your own predictions. Your thoughts have greater focus so that seminars, lectures or even reading and writing promote the capacity to cleanse the self thus connecting with those that come from the same true source. The re-creation of your temple is nothing more than sacred geometry. Years ago, or maybe lifetimes, you began the stimulation of your root chakra, the dense part of the self and now after many years of spiritual massage you have reached your destination of the crown chakra which connects you with the Absolute. This then begins to open your realm into the greater paradigm of creation. You now begin to experience and realize that you are part of a larger network which in turn is part of a Divine Family that reaches way beyond the confines of Earth.
October23-November 21
This month represents a mixed bag of the planetary influences. Let me start with the planet Pluto, the planet that deals with a transmutation not just change. This is because this planet begins to reconfigure you from the inside to the outside. It’s like a detective so it shows you what and where the problems lie in your life. It’s also a planet that can bring about a hurricane so it impowers one to begin to detoxify and declutter all aspects of their life. Nothing like having a planet clean house for you and then rearrange the furniture to create a new realm to live within. This causes one to break away from what the unconscious mind has been expressing and begin to release your intrinsic forces. It’s what we call reprogramming your frequency which then harness the dragon within you. It is the planet of rebirth or getting your second wind so you need, as I said, to begin to let go of what is no longer working for you will replace it with better choices. The planet Neptune which rules the oceans, and the wind is surrounding you for the next few years so that it can cause one to be more fluid and flexible with expressing their dreams into a tangible manifestation. It is very right brained which means your imagination can become a 3rd-dimensional reality. It may be time to start displaying your artistic talents as well as you may want to use your intuition as your compass. It deals with romance and poetry looking for a relationship to become holistic in its ascension as the threads of each other’s actions create a fabric. Neptune rules the ocean so it may be time to get out of town. After the 14th Mercury the planet of communication and conversation is back in your life so that clarity is given to your observations. This is the time to make deals or to purchase major items. Who doesn’t want to talk to you socially or professionally. Younger people act as a catalyst with mutual objectives. Time to update your business cards or website. You have many social events that deal with birthdays, anniversaries, lectures or family reunions so make sure you show up. Saturn, the most objective and rational planet as well as dealing with the past, gives you a chance to finish up projects that have been consuming you. Family reunions, weddings or finishing up what’s been on that to do list. It can cause a major promotion as others recognize your persistence and determination to forge ahead. You may even find out you’re getting back a nice check from the internal revenue. So, slowly you begin to purge those in your life that are satisfied with the status quo. It’s time to take back control over yourself and re-examine your motivations that got you so entrenched not only with certain people but how did your emotions gain dominance over your intellect? The best part is that you have awakened so you now begin to restore your mental sight and power of speech. To support this ascension process you need to detoxify all aspects of your life, let’s remember you are carbon-based and in order for you to merge into a higher state of consciousness, which is a crystalline structure you need to first cleanse the body. Get into exercise or start taking some yoga classes to get those meridians flowing. Your character even takes on structure and a comprehensive plan of action is initiated. Dedication and persistence is given to your imagination and dreams so that the career goes from an abstract perception to propositions that bring new securities with your image and your material assets. Illusion has run for the hills so that you see the value of building a new world for yourself. It’s time to create a new time cycle and allow inspiration to fabricate your world of tomorrow. This brings about a critical leap in your personal search as you begin to embrace your deepest inherent urges so that potent portals open you to new visualizations. Uranus, the planet that wants a breath of fresh air, demands that you take more control over your future. It can cause a lot of stress and anxiety until you embrace the unknown or separate yourself from the monotony of life. Just watch in your hast to change the vocabulary of your life you don’t become impulsive to the point of becoming reckless.
November 22-December 21
It’s time to show your appreciation towards the person that holds your heart and Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. So, time to purchase that Hallmark card, the dozen roses and make reservations at a restaurant to regenerate the words and deeds of love. Because Venus, the planet of love, is in a great pattern to you it’s time to forgive certain imperfections within others. It’s just the right thing to do. You may want to start thinking about your home as well as what’s hanging in your closet. Venus is about beauty and there are some aspects that have served its purpose, but it may be time to bring greater harmony into your life by painting walls and spending some money to expand and enjoy the greater comforts of life. If you are single you may want to get out of the house as there can be someone that catches your eye and heart. Certainly, going to concerts or the theater could be exciting but places like Florida or Costa Rica could really get your blood flowing. Jupiter, your planetary ruler, wants to expand your aspirations mentally and physically but because it’s in a tense pattern opportunities may not be what they appear to be so get facts and figures not empty promises. The planet Saturn is also in a tense pattern and this planet usually deals with the past or things that have outlived their useful purpose. So, the older something is the more likely it will bring unwanted burdens. It would be better to replace whatever has outlived its purpose with something new instead of having things repaired. This planet can affect your immune system so be conscious of people in your surroundings and less junk food. It may be time to empty out the closets and get rid of things that have no useful purpose to streamline your life. Last of all you may want to get out of your present surroundings so take in a concert, go to the theater or attend parties. Neptune, a planet that can produce fog, mist or cloud is upon you. This is a very right-brained planet causing others to use your attributes of kindness and thoughtfulness to get what they want from you. So, you might want to get as many facts as possible when others are needing money or help in some way. Because this planet deals with air and water you could get the flu or in a mundane way problems with plumbing or the heating system. The Full Moon on the 12th is a great time to get out and enjoy life to the fullest. The New Moon on 28th is a good time to hibernate in your home with a good bottle of wine and in-depth conversation with a person that is not sleepwalking through life. Your creation has a frequency or vibration that is now being modulated so that you realize your purpose within your cellular time is in the process of creating new geometries that bring about a new Alpha the energy of truth. This is the planet Pluto, which will be in your life for about 2 years to bring to the surface latent talents and abilities as well as what needs to be eliminated. It brings about a better perception of reality so in many ways it helps to detoxify your life. It’s all about the future and taking the right path and not being seduced with detours. This is a time in which you will use your words to create and connect with your desires so that perfection is achieved in many areas of your life as the true self become unified. Thus, a central point of reference is being composed. The Omega enters a new phase of the Alpha.
December 22-January 19
This is a month of re-organization that will generate creative content within your domestic and professional processes of living but settle down and try to do this in a step-by-step way. You don’t like things out of order, but patience is a virtue here. You have greater intellectual judgment as well as the capacity to accept responsibilities so it’s not a time to put obligations or decisions into other hands. The more control you have the better. You can have a new position at work as well as a new title. This month is all about prioritizing and getting rid of the antiquated to update yourself and business into a new future so that your personal and professional life run smoothy. As you begin to assert your intellectual drive you can begin in your home to start new projects that will instill that new definition of yourself by bringing changes into your surroundings. If there are major projects, you may want to get an interior decorator because you’re not exactly an abstract thinker but smart enough to hire one. Being a born leader, you put a lot of time into professional matters but in doing so you neglect the physical tapestry of your body so time to whip that body back into shape. Start with real food and less out of the box or can. Join a group if you lack the desire to get motivated on your own. It’s also time to break down inhibitions and reform the formulas that now occupy your life. You may find yourself feeling a great thirst for the tangibles and sensual gratification so don’t feel guilty in spending some money on more opulent factions of life. With Uranus, the planet of the future, the more impulsive and spontaneous you are the faster the heart beats. Sometimes one needs to break the rules and be the outlaw and go do things you want to do instead of what others want from you. The last thing you need to be around is any kind monotony. It’s time to feel the presence of spirit and getting away from work and your conditioned environment is the only way to touch base with the organics of your being. With Neptune, the planet of our visions upon you, it’s time to make affirmations that will help integrate your dreams, ideas, and creativity into a tangible form. So, you might want to listen to the gut feeling as well as pay closer attention to your dreams. New Moon on the 28this an excellent time to put your to-do list into action.
January 20-February 18
First of all Happy Birthday and what we call a Solar Return because the Sun has circled the Zodiac to bless you once again with its love as you renew the authentic self with greater expressions in the coming year. The planet that rules your sign is Uranus which deals with the words odd, eccentric and liberating. Most of us that know you see this expression within you all the time. While Uranus is in the sign of Taurus it can cause a lot of tension and anxiety because it’s trying to keep you on a leash so that you’re not able to do some of the things you want, need and desire. But it also creates a lot of problems with making changes in your future. It is time to separate yourself from the monotony of life but you’re what we call a fixed sign, and you can get very nervous reacting to change that deals with the architectural blueprint of your life. The bottom line is having more freedom to do what you want in life and separate yourself from the dogma of life that’s putting wrinkles on your forehead. So, think of change in more of the sense of a new adventure. Once you release yourself from the puppet strings you can reconstruct not only the contents of form but form itself. Because this planet can cause you to be impulsive to the point of being reckless, take time to objectively look at the opportunities that lie before you. You don’t want to overreact to the point of being reckless. So, get out and celebrate in becoming autonomous and expressing your rights of passage. This then causes you to be in greater control because of the independence given to explore the landscape of life. Also, the planet Jupiter is holding your other hand to polarize and synthesize your aspirations as you break away from the status quo of your life. No compass is needed this year, because this planet gives excellent judgment so that what you seek can be defined. People in higher positions take notice of your professional performance so expect a new job, a pay raise as well as your personal life is given greater freedom. You may want to take a short vacation to places that you’ve been before. This is a great time to further your studies, teach, write a book or give advice to others. This is a 3-digit IQ planet, so you have answers to questions coming from others. You are now coming into your own as you gain greater insight through the mysteries because you have found your path in soul evolution from the student to the teacher. So, it’s time for you to pass on these higher teachings to those caught up in the world of materialism. You’re not a sign that likes to sit still because it promotes sheer frustration but there’s a Full Moon on the 12th so you may want to get out with friends and enjoy life to the fullest. This is a month in which your personal life is given greater spontaneity which feeds the perversion of your thought processes. You need new horizons and more challenging initiatives not boundaries. So, self-realization says I need new chapters of experience so maybe it’s time to shop around for a new job or a new place to live or go from dating to marriage. You are in a state of transition and your vibratory rate is increasing so that you are becoming one with the Living Light thus making yourself receptive to new instructions, new codes that will change you and your approach to life. Mercury, the planet of communication, says it’s time to reorganize your life and begin to shred that which has become outdated with a new I-phone, computer, business cards or maybe just some new clothes or furniture.
February 19-March 19
Those that know you realize that you function from a heart full of compassion. You are very sensitive, so you are receptive to feelings, or I could say the formless. Because of this it can be a constant struggle to remain true to your identity because you are easily influenced by others or circumstances in your life. Also, because of this heightened sense of receptivity you are the most clairvoyant of all the signs. You see and feel the deeper truths hidden within our reality as well as the people that come before you. With Neptune, your planetary ruler in your sign you can step into alter states of consciousness. Be prepared not only to sense other realities but beings from those realities. Your creativity is at an all-time high so whether it’s writing, playing music or painting a canvas, others will be amazed at what you can accomplish. So, as you increase your understanding of this creative growth you will begin to channel your feelings so that you give shape and structure to this awareness. With your lack of self-confidence, you may think that you need to suppress this spiritual gift because it may further isolate you from others. What it’s going to do is open you up to a more authentic way of life so that the outer garment of matter helps to transfigure you into what we would call a higher body of Light. This will bring initial chaos and fear which can be conquered by having greater faith. You’re a creative person so why not indulge yourself in taking classes that will help channel your imagination using art, photography, music, or classes in psychology, or getting into the medical field. As you begin to defy gravity and distance yourself from the past your intuition gives you sharper focus so that new concepts become an essential part of your life. With the toxins having been purged the baptismal of building a new future is right around the corner. It’s time to draw up a new plan as well as what you want to personally achieve for yourself both personally and professionally. There is an increase with your physical and mental energy so that your assertive spirit allows you to project yourself into new ventures that prove your uniqueness of being. Mars, which gives physical and mental strength, will urge you to take action in asserting yourself in moving forward with your wants and needs. Jupiter, which normally gives good judgement because it deals with the 3 digit-IQ is testing you in that some opportunities are not what they appear to be. Your sympathetic behavior can allow others to take advantage of you so don’t feel guilty in saying no to others especially if it doesn’t feel right. New Moon on the 28this in Pisces so it’s time to put that list of things to do into action.