March 20-April 19
You are the first sign, the starting point in which your assertive effort, your strength, stamina, and daring causes others to look up to you and then desire to follow you. You were born to be the leader not the follower. You can mobilize your energy to fulfill your ambitions. As you begin this new year 3 of what we call the personal planets are going to be testing your strengths. This usually happens to you year after year so a time when the cold harsh callous winter will test your strengths. First the Sun, which deals with you as well as your vitality, can cause you to become biologically weak, so you need to be aware of the people around you as far as their health is concerned. So put some distance between you and those that are coughing, sneezing or complaining about their health and certainly you need to be more aware of what you’re putting into your body. Then comes Mercury, the planet of dialogue and conversation. This planet can bring about a lot of mental stress and anxiety because you can hear news which can upset you as well as transactions, negotiations seem to be in a pending mode. Problems with your phone, computer, router, internet or your website that can’t be fixed in the next 10 minutes. It rules brothers and sisters so minor problems with them as others may be testing your authority so try and be tactful and let them know you’re in charge not them. You might want to get a daily planner as your memory may be monopolized with things that cause you to be less focused. Read all transactions and agreements very carefully as there may be innocent or deliberate mistakes but it’s up to you to catch the mistake. Even Mars, your planetary ruler, is in a taxing pattern to you. It can give a lack of physical strength so not a time to get out a run a marathon, but it may be time to sign up at the gym to start building up those biceps. This planet can bring headaches, blood pressure problems, fevers and just a lack of mental and physical energy. This planet can cause others to test your strengths because they may be jealous or envious of you or just have issues with what you are doing. It’s not a time to be impulsive or shoot from the hip but take your time in analyzing situations that lie before you. This planet rules sex so you might just find yourself needing a blanket to keep you warm at night. Finally, Jupiter, the planet of the angels, wants you to expand your aspirations no matter where they lie. This planet wants to open your life up to new places, a new vocabulary, and endow one with spiritual truths. So, a time to sign up for classes that will challenge the higher mind. Read or write a book and begin to separate yourself from people that have been neutered intellectually. Travel to places that bring out your curiosity and begin to visit your local museum, theater, take in a symphony and visit art galleries. It’s time to get the mind out of the mundane world of synthetics. It brings conversation back into your life, not yes or no answers. Last of all Pluto begins its 2-to-3-year journey into those born within the first 2 to 3 days of your sign. This is one of the most powerful planets that can bring about life or death so it’s not in your life to have a casual conversation. But because this is a good pattern for your sign it begins to bring to the surface those parts of your life that no longer serve the person you have been. It begins to rewrite your script from the inside to the outside as it rids you of objectives that are no longer viable but replaces any void with something more appropriate to the growth of your soul. So, the word change turns into the word transmutation. Your rebirth as you begin challenge the authenticity of the world you are a part of. It can bring a person into your life that captures your heart chakra, a new place to live, starting a family, going into your own business that opens you up to a new matrix of life. So, a time to assert and move forward with what you choose to implement that satisfies your thirst. The New Moon on the 29th is a great time to empower your intentions and release yourself from psychic bondage as matter gives way to spirit.
April 20-May20
You are one of the more predictable signs, sort of a creature of habit. This personality trait causes you to have a fertile life because you can take any idea and with your persistence and determination and astute observation turn the intangible into a comfortable security. This month most of the planets are fertilizing your objectives and goals that in time bring financial prosperity. The Full Moon on the 13this an excellent time to fertilize new objectives. Uranus, which is in your sign and deals with exciting changes, wants you to get ready to embrace new opportunities as your convictions of thy self are the words of the divine within you. It’s time to separate yourself from the garment you now wear so that you can embody new desires as well as objectives that serve your purpose. This planet is all about getting you away from the traditional ways of thinking. It’s time to create a new content of life. Maybe it’s a time to start school or go to seminars or jump on a plane and travel to places that you’ve never been to before but certainly it’s not a time to let the higher aspects of your thinking vegetate. Why don’t you begin parts of this process by participating socially with friends, so that you begin to open greater dimensions of your life. You have an appreciation of the arts, so why not go out to a movie, the theater, or art galleries or concerts which will bring about not only creative inspiration but emotional fulfillment. Changes in your social position then occur because you begin to act with the outside world. New objectives slowly work themselves into your life so that you warm up to the idea of moving beyond the parameters of that which has existed in your life. Some of you need to define the relationship you’re in which means engagement or marriage so that one’s objectives become mutual objectives. This is because you begin to work with the energy of love and not your desires. The past, which has brought stability and security, needs to be reformatted. Start by cleaning out the closet and getting rid of things that no longer serve a useful purpose and replace the void with new things which brings excitement and test your intellectual skills. It’s a great time to travel, especially towards salt water or take a cruise. The New Moon on the 29th can be somewhat challenging so try and be as discerning as possible with what is before you.
May 21-June 20
The planet Neptune, which rules the oceans as well as your emotions, has brought turbulence into your life either in your domestic affairs or with work which is swallowing you up bringing about a slow descent into a void of darkness. It can cause one to want to hibernate into their own safe cocoon which becomes a safer reality. Antidotes can become drugs as well as alcohol, so you need to be careful that this doesn’t become part of your habit patterns. Because this deals with water it can bring about tears or grief as certain people or circumstances in your life begin to fade away. It can deal with a loss of your job, serious problems within a relationship, or attending a funeral. Neptune deals with the air so it might be time to wear a mask to protect yourself against the flu or a virus. You may want to pay closer attention to what you’re putting into your body as well as maybe it’s time for some organic vitamins. It’s a new year so you may want to sign up for the gym or take some yoga classes. Saturn is also upon you so that many things that have brought a certain amount of stability and security in your life have outlasted their life span. The older something is the more likely it will need to be replaced so a time to let go of the monotony or status quo and replace the void with something more appropriate with your future wants and needs. So, a time to update many aspects of your life and not dwell on the past so that you allow this major turning point in your life to become tangible. There’s a major shift going on in the heavens in which the axis of chaos will give way to a year filled with your aspirations so that you are no longer in a holding pattern. You are given a passport to travel into the future embracing new experiences so that your desires become realized. This is what the planet Pluto is all about. It slowly closes a chapter of your life to open up a chapter that brings about a breath of fresh air as it affects you for years at a time. It causes one to become more perceptive of themselves so that one gives birth to that which has been incubating within and slowly opens new authentic objectives that put you on the higher rung of the ladder. Now your assumptions become facts so that you now have a true image of yourself and what you can achieve. This is the result of the change within your consciousness. Doubt and fear give way to having faith in yourself. Look for sudden surprises this month that could take you to the shores of Florida or bring on changes within your job that give you more freedom as Jupiter, a planet that wants to expand your aspirations in life, has got its arm around you. It deals with the truth, laughter, and opportunities to expand the parameters of your life in some way. Maybe it’s just time to look for another job that brings greater harmony into your life. You’re not a sign that can sit still that long, so think about initiating those projects that have been on that back burner just a little bit too long. This productive attitude causes you to stand up for yourself so that people begin to see that you have muscles and that you can flex them. Relationships can ripen so that one can meet a person that wants to hold their heart, or one can become engaged or married because it's a time in which you don’t settle for second best. Even your social life becomes enabled, but just be more discerning with the people you surround yourself with. Being impulsive is your source of freedom. Your dreams, those invisible states begin to take form and become objective facts giving you much more to smile about. It is a time to be in unison with your true spirituality and not habitual materialism. External impressions begin to flow through you bringing about new inward experiences so a time in which one wants to embrace your wants and needs to the very fullest.
June 21-July 21
Every year at this time the personal planets go into the sign of Capricorn which causes 2 major planets to oppose you. First is Mercury, the planet of conversation. Because it’s in an opposition to you it can cause conversations with others to be very taxing and stressful. Others seem to know what’s best for you and are trying to become your compass in life even though they seem to be lost in the world they live in. Easy for me to say be discerning with those that you are speaking with but that can be difficult. You may need a daily planner with the chaos that surrounds you which can affect the memory. Read all transactions very carefully because there can be innocent or deliberate mistakes but it’s up to you to catch them. Problems with your phone, computer, I-pad, router or internet can develop. Try and put yourself at arm’s length with relatives. The Sun is also in opposition to you so try and maintain good eating patterns, take some organic vitamins and keep distance between you and those that are sick. Even though you know that’s coming each year, it’s hard to get used to this. I could say take at least a two-week vacation to the warm waters of the Caribbean or Hawaii as Neptune is the planet that rules islands and oceans as well as this is the planet that is an antidote for whatever ails you. Because this is more of a right brain planet you may want to attend a concert, go to the theater or sign up for classes that deal with art, music, yoga or even writing. Your senses which Neptune represents are the transmitters of light which impel you to seek new horizons for that part of your life that lies empty. A new dawn is on the horizon as Uranus, the planet of the future embraces you, but you need to condition the will to help synthesize your motives that will prompt fresh renewed activity. This planet is all about the sense of adventure, that says you can’t do 55 any longer. The monotonous patterns of life need to be discarded and replaced with new aspirations that get your heart beating again. It’s time to be less obedient to the past and start being more impulsive. What do others want from you is not the question, what do you want to manifest is the decision at hand. You know it’s time to fabricate a bridge between the world of Spirit and the world of material form so be receptive to what you want and need in your life. Venus, the planet that rules love and the sensuous taste of life, has its arm around to bring greater joy and happiness into your life. So, relationships bring about greater security because commitments are being made either in a personal or professional way. Venus is also about beauty so one takes steps to improve one’s overall wellbeing as well as one’s appearance. Mars, the planet that doesn’t take no for an answer, says it’s time to move forward with your wants and needs. A time to pursue all that has been on the back burner. This is the leader of the zodiac so a time to activate and seed new molecular structures. There are now new opportunities that you have been seeking that will improve the material affairs of your life. Saturn causes you to devote more of yourself to these new horizons of experience. It will not only bring growth but the preservation of new benefits within all aspects of your life. It’s all about working hard, taking a few falls, but getting back up again and again. You represent the family of spirit and are here to prepare the remnant seed to spiritually fuse with the power of the Father’s Kingdom.
July 22-August 22
This is the time to think about your future, for we all are in the mists of making New Year resolutions. You need to get away from the status quo you’ve made for yourself and think about the next stage of development in life. With the planet Uranus which deals with the sense of adventure in your electives in life, this is your year to challenge and define changes you want, not what people want of you. The courage is now within you to step forward and seek new comforting security. You have been challenging yourself for some time now and proving to yourself that you can commit to change, for within it lies progress and greater self-confidence through the accomplishment of what you put your mind to and not be a victim of fate. This can be very stressful but it’s time to move forward with your expectations in life. So, begin to dismantle the space-time concepts of the present and lay down new coordinates that reflect the expression of your core. This is not going to be an easy task as circumstances as well as others in your life want you to remain in a pause mode. But the tapestry of your geometry can become magical as you reconvert life to satisfy your creative expression. Listen to your heart for it will help you to polarize your intentions. You may be thinking of buying a new car, or moving from an apartment to your own house, or maybe not just changing jobs but getting into a new field of work, maybe a relationship has run its course, so you need to simply make a conscious decision and induce this new phase of growth with gradual and persistence determination. Even your inner voice is saying divorce the past, but the past has been safe and brought security so why leave that which has proven itself. Well, the old rotary phone served us well, but the I-phone is much more self-serving to our communicative needs. These new ideas of yours deal with transcending what is presently in your life, but yet at the same time this is a validation that you are centered and acting in a purposeful way. You may struggle with all of this because what is in your life is secure but is leading you in circles. It has been just a safe path and has supplied your basic needs but that’s just it, there is nothing about you that is ordinary. You are a person that we all admire because you seek as well as demand of yourself the very best. You are the Goddess the White Witch. The higher you rise within your evolution the more difficult it is to dwell within your present sphere of life. But remember changes symbolize your growth or evolution. You are ready for your initiation so it’s time to grant yourself permission to lay down new coordinates that are a true reflection of your inner self. The New Moon on the 29th is the time to rise with the morning Sun and cast from your inner depths your intentions which ride on the rays which stream from earth to the Sun and then your answers to the direction to take are received at following Full Moon. Jupiter, the planet that rules the truth and the expansion of one’s aspiration is upon you until early June. It gives clarity to one’s purpose and stronger faith so that answers are given to your questions. This planet links you to your higher self, your core memory so that you have a better understanding of the physical structure or matter that is within your reality. It then wants you to expand your intentions that will once again bring laughter, freedom and less boundaries.
August 23-September 22.
Those of you that are born around the 17th to the 20th of the month will experience the planet Neptune opposing your Sun sign through the end of March. Others will not be affected. This means you are somewhat emotionally vulnerable. That is because this planet dissolves your self-confidence and can cause you to be fragile and weak mentally and physically so that you surrender to other people’s wants and needs because you will feel guilty or fear that they will reject you if you say no. Even though life may be a little vague or unclear, this is not a time to make emotional assessments so stay away from those elements or people that want you to rescue them. It’s all about creating boundaries for yourself. If you do this, then you won’t need to drink every night or take sleeping pills to compensate for your guilt. With this planet which can produce a fog or mist you need to look beneath the surface as well as listen to that gut feeling. With that being said then let me talk about 4 major planets that will be holding your hand wanting to take you for a ride to the heavens and back. First, Uranus, the planet of the future and adventure wants to hold your hand so it can move you forward away from the mundane and status quo of life. It causes you to sum up all those loose ends as well move beyond what has attenuated your forward movement. It’s time to take your credentials and market yourself to that which you seek that gives you greater definition whether it’s a job or relationship. This will release you from isolation so that old allegiances give way to the germination of new intellectual concepts. Your higher mind is becoming fertilized so that you ascend to the next step in reaching the apex of your development. There is an emphasis on getting what you want out of life and not what you can do for others. Creative words bring concrete solutions that move you beyond superficial problems so that you become rooted in security matters, thus, bringing about greater self-confidence and notoriety. It’s time to be the engineer of new projects that display your latent talents. You are much smarter than you give yourself credit for. There can be some kind of notoriety that is coming into your life that affects your personal and professional life, and this can be down at the end of the street or 7 or 8 hundred miles away. Mars, the planet that deals with asserting your wants and needs, is also in your life to help move you forward so, a time to challenge yourself in all forms of competition physically or mentally. This planet rules not only your intellectual muscles but physical so a time to begin the year by signing up for the gym or working out on your own. Mars is the leader of all the planets and encourages one to blaze new trails. It helps to bring about a major movement in your life and doesn’t take no for an answer. Mercury, the planet of communications, can bring about a new I-phone, computer, router, internet or maybe it’s time to update your resume or website. This planet deals with relatives so there may be more of a positive change in their attitude. There could be a major contract that could be offered to you as others see what you’re really qualified to do. It is a great time to get better organized so get to the store and get the large trash bags. Because Venus, the planet of love and the luxury of life is in a negative pattern there can be problems in your relationships in that you seem to be doing more for others, and they are doing less for you. So, it may be time to step away from relationships that are one sided. There could also be minor problems with the car, TV, household appliances or because this planet deals with beauty you may not be looking your best. Saturn, the planet of the past says you need to get started with those New Years intentions and separate yourself from that which has become antiquated and monotonous. Also, Jupiter, which usually wants one to amplify their life in some way, says take a very discerning and discriminating look at the opportunities that are before you. This planet is like the sly fox so that all that glitters is not gold. The Full Moon on the 13th is a time to try and bring everything that has been on the back burner to a conclusion.
September 23-October 22
Personal as well as professional challenges surround you this month making it somewhat difficult at times to move forward so you need to cease your present routines in life because in reality, they are binding you to situations that you need to detach yourself from. That’s what New Years resolutions are all about is moving beyond your existing objectives in life and replacing them with new vegetation which will fertilize greater intentions. Mercury, the planet of communications as well as the Sun wants you to ignore the growing pains within you because they put a lot of intellectual and physical demands upon you. Slowly you are becoming bored with mundane conversations. You’re very familiar with your identity in the respect that it’s difficult to say no to others because you will feel guilty that some people have just have yes and no answers when you need a conversation. At least try and quantify the objectives that are before you. In other words, certain things as well as people are having less and less impact upon you. It’s time to express your ideas and opinions. Pluto has been working on you from the inside out demanding that some parts of life that have served you well need to be questioned. This planet rules the riches within the earth like gold and silver, so it wants you to connect with those elements within you and resurrect your moral inheritance as it deposits a new birth. It causes a subjective impact upon you so that you take a good look at what has been impeding your life and then empowers you to begin renovating that which is malfunctioning or has become antiquated. It demands that you become compliant in releasing yourself from false attachments thus eliminating the toxicity surrounding you. As time moves forward life begins to reformat parts of your material expression to something spiritual affecting the collective whole. This planet will be with for years working in a sequential way to make a quantum leap from the linear matrix of life to the non-linear. So, yes there will be some endings to what has become primitive only to be replaced by new aspirations that will enrich your life as you begin to reach the zenith of your development. The planet Jupiter will be affecting you this month but like Pluto it brings opportunities for growth in a material or spiritual way that will also enrich your aspirations in life. This planet demands that you express your opinions to the collective whole so, is it time to write a book, give a lecture, teach a class or use technology to speak the truth, give answers to questions or be the antidote and problem solver for the questions that others have. Great time to travel and of course the farther the better. Formal affairs like weddings, birthdays or anniversaries. This planet rules your higher abstract mind as well as religion and spiritually, so principles and ethics become very important. So, remain faithful to your assumptions for they define who and what you are. The seer, oracle, teacher and writer are back occupying a new garment. You are now linked to the flow of information thus enabling your coherence to be the educator, the sage of the old ways. New business cards are in order as well if you have a website, it may be time for an update. Remember you are always there for others, but this month let those that love you act as a catalyst to leave the past behind and press forward for the prize in the realization of your wishes. As your self-confidence begins to grow you can discern and move through those psychological obstructions that have thwarted you so that you begin to flow in the realization of meaningful purpose. Take ownership of your creative initiative after the 20th as the Sun shines upon you and puts you on some kind of stage. You are entering the gates that will bring about renewal or rebirth in which you will replenish your substance and then transmute all that is presently in your life. The New Moon on the 29th is the time to put the metal to the petal.
October 23-November 21
You start off the new year in a whirlpool of planetary configurations that will bring about a lot of ups and very few downs. 6 planets will be interacting with you to give instantaneous fulfillment as well as long term fulfillment. Self-expression is a must for you to begin a new pilgrimage upon a path that is a true reflection of your higher impressions. This is because of the Sun which represent you and is what we call a luminary helps to put into focus what needs to be reconstruction in your life which will help you to transcend the limitations of not only the present conception of the self but will empower you to start claiming all that you seek. It’s time for a new wardrobe of life. You are a fixed sign so what can’t you accomplished through your persistence and determination but there is a part of you that is resistant to change so it’s not easy for you, but you are ready to inoculate new ideas into your life so that they integrate and unfold a new living organism which releases you from your ancestral past. As you address all unfinished business a new platform and rhythmic oscillation causes you to tread a new and illuminated path. You just need to surrender to a new individualized attitude that will bring about a new crystallized future. This is caused by Saturn which causes one to release the past and the security it has brought but now it’s time for a breath of fresh air and embark on a new set of objectives. It’s called change, so be patient with yourself because this is not an overnight process but more sequential. Synthesize the mind and emotions and awaken to a new cosmic identity. Be Hercules as your strengths become tested and then tested again. The coarse matter that is in your life is addictive and puts you in a stranglehold and can promote fear, but a new day of opportunity is here to help you change the fabric of your destiny. You are incredibly determined, persistent and disciplined and have accomplished much, but you need to adjust to the demands and needs of the self with this new cycle in time. You are a very intense sign, always looking beneath the surface and able to read between the lines so you have grasped the laws of the lower planes and as you intensify, you’re on the job training begins to pay off. You are the detective, the researcher because you are curious and with those Xray eyes solved any kind of problem before you. Love and romance have been in the air but it’s now time to bring it out of the shadows and give it potency. This is because Venus, the planet of love, is in your life and wants to sit in your lap. Mercury, the planet of communications, is also with you, so you begin to interact with others that have common intellectual denominators. Uranus, the planet of change can bring turmoil only if you resist claiming your wants and needs. It brings the sense of adventure and new challenges, but you have to allow yourself to embrace these new developments that will re-orient your life. It’s time to run with your New Year’s resolutions.
November 22-December 21
The abstinence in the participation of new aspirations is coming to a rapid closure. The time for being landlocked and clinging to things that no longer play a relevant role in your life give way to the gestating impressions of transition. So, much of this month is about letting go in a sequential way of many of the things that have brought security, especially in business. Saturn, which rules the left side of our brain as well as the past, history, time and what has brought one stability and security and is very objective which one wants when making major decisions in this material world has attached itself to you. This will give you self-determination which is really an aspect of courage to seek a new purpose and mission in your life. So, you begin to design a new plan that has concrete goals. This in turn causes you to let go of some parts of your past. This planet gives organic growth as you overcome boundaries providing a foundation for the next stage of your human development. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and the 3 digit-IQ is in opposition to you. So, many opportunities for material growth can present itself but the problem is that this planet is very clever so it can exaggerate growth and deliver a falsehood on a silver platter. This is what is called all that glitters is not gold so one must dissect that which is before you and seek out facts or your own truth. This is when some people can say one thing but not follow through with what they said so one loses faith in them. This month is not the best time to travel, and you need to be very discerning in your social life. Neptune, which rules the right side of our brain says a time that music, art, the theater or going to the museum can be therapeutic more than a stiff drink. However, this planet rules air and water so it can affect your health. Asma as well as allergies so maybe it’s time to wear a mask, get a humidifier, change the filters in the heating system and put less sugar into your life. Drink more water to flush out the toxins. There can be problems with plumbing, the roof leaking or heating system as well as maybe it’s time to reorganize the home to create better efficiency with space. You are a devoted worker and inspire people because you materialize your visions. Look to reinvent or bring changes to your career as you utilize new technologies to extend the circumference of your business. Pluto, the planet that gives life to that which has been incubating within you has begun its 2-year journey to those that were born in the first 3 days of your sign. It brings a breath of fresh air into life by opening a new chapter of living and a new awareness that gives strength as well as better perception of one’s organic ingredients. This then causes one to externalize the subjective states of being to slowly design a new reality that nourishes the essence of the soul and the beginning of a new journey.
December 22-January 19
Happy birthday as well as Happy New Year to a sign that never gives up. This month you start off the year with 6 major planets working together to expand and enhance your life. The planet Uranus which rules the future and change will make you somewhat restless, but this will cause you to break away from the status quo of life to seek adventure within every aspect of your life. So, be impulsive and involve yourself with things that are odd, unique and outside the lines of what is considered normal. By seeking adventure, you can encompass a greater and more fulfilled life. This is not a time to be conservative but to break away from the traditional lines of thought. This planet can bring exciting changes with your career as well as personal relationships. If you are single your future mate can appear before you when you least expect it. Certainly, if you are already within a relationship then it can move forward in a traditional way but yet one could run off to Vegas to get married instead of a more formal ceremony. This is because Venus, the planet of love, is bringing or has brought your divine compliment into your life. This month is a great time to begin to analyze not only the world you live in but the wants and needs of that world. Going into a state of subjective condensation, you become more attuned with clear focus that it may be time to transcend the boundaries of containment. This is your moment in which the possibilities of growth and expression can be realized especially with your job or business. You can no longer rest upon what exists in your life for it dates you. So, it’s time to begin to reformat your aims in life. With the Full Moon on the 13th, it is a perfect time to instill those New Year’s Resolutions. With the neutralizing of insecurities, you can begin to carve out new paths that will cultivate love and financial exchange. You may want to make travel plans that deal with going to the warm beaches of Florida or Cancun. These sparks of light and warmth move you forward so that you embrace what is required in this transformation that brings more personal and professional gratification. The identity has diffused itself of its polarity and becomes initiated spiritually. Neptune, the planet of dreams wants to materialize your imagination and yes you have one, so it becomes liberated helping to release those untapped potentials. Genuine opportunities coming from a variety of sources will energize you to connect with yourself so that you redesign any boundaries that are trying to contain you. This month brings about a new symbolic sunrise that consecrates your individually so that you need to start reformatting your life and begin to claim what your subconscious seeks. This will then cause you to become reenergized so that you can reconstruct as well as activate new creative energies that lie beyond your current conception of reality. Mars is the only planet that can bring a problem which is caused by some opportunities not being what they are exaggerated to be. So, not a time to be impulsive or jump to conclusions as others try to put you on puppet strings. There will be some people that are rude, annoying and even jealous or envious of you so be discerning with your social life. Not a good time for others to be making decisions for you. This can obviously bring some stress but if you stay clear of people that are naturally rude and of a lower mind-set you should have a great month.
January 20-February 18
There will be some people that push your buttons this month creating annoyance, aggravation, and physical repercussions like migraines. So, take a deep breath, count to 10 and then get a massage to siphon off that fragment of toxicity. This is being cause by the planet Uranus which normally deals with change and the sense of adventure and asserting yourself to leave the monotony behind but now causes others to try and tell you what to do and when but you’re not a person that surrenders under intimidation. So, stand your ground and in a polite way let them know you don’t need to be on anyone’s puppet strings. Try and surround yourself with people that nourish your creativity and you’re outside the box of thinking. Remember you are the avatar of the zodiac and without you we would still be playing in the sandbox of life. You might want to practice meditation to relieve some of the stress and anxiety, work out at the gym or have a good stiff drink. Beneath the surface this planet wants you to move forward in life and be less subservient to the pass. Just understand you need to be a little patient so that you don’t make reckless or snap decisions. The external world and its priorities can cause an imbalance and disharmony so once again taking a walk and enjoying the esthetics of nature can be therapeutic remedies. Jupiter is upon you to bring opportunities to expand on more of your individual aspirations because it won’t allow you to remain static. It’s a great time to write or attend seminars or even give lectures that deal with the higher abstract truths. This planet is the High-Priest the liberator that causes an unfoldment of your purpose which is willed by the Sun. With the ego identifying with the soul, you reclaim your potential and free yourself from family conditioning and get into your true nature of being, your own entity. This is a humble reminder that you have arrived at your new reality. You won’t need any more handrails to lean on. You have employed an awakened state of expanded intelligence. The Yang gives way to the Yin, so you flow with life and its whispers instilling a fabric of life that is more serene. It’s a great time to travel but only for a few days. Jupiter is a planet of truth as well as giving answers to your questions, so it brings about renewed faith within yourself. Love has grown with its trials and tests and even self-sacrifice but now your heart has developed into a vibrant and devoted center of the fundamental whole. After the 20th the Sun will begin to shine upon you, bringing greater stability as well as personal and professional recognition. Also, after the 28th Mercury the planet of communications will grace you with a new computer, I-phone as well as going to concerts or other venues that bring unexpected excitement into one’s life. This is an excellent month to write, reeducate yourself or even others because the voice of the Divine begins to speak through you giving you definition and further devotion to your faith. Your consciousness is becoming less Earth bound so that you are becoming a cosmic traveler embedding yourself in the outer arms of life. Your life is gaining greater freedom as the dimension in which you live is becoming multidimensional because your intellectual faculties have awakened, ensuring greater security in the conditions of your existence. You are the trail blazer of the all the signs, and it is your karmic destiny to be subservient to the organic growth of new principles that bring about individual selfhood to not only you but to the greater whole that have outgrown this 3rddimension reality. Pluto begins slowly to bring about major changes in the greater circumference of your life for the next 2 years. It can bring about a major move, job change, marriage or other elements of life that need to be implemented.
February 19-March 19
You begin the year with 7 major planets holding your hand to take you out of hibernation and into the world of love, creativity, and adventure. You may think that Summer has come early even though Winter is upon most of us. Uranus has suddenly appeared to give you an attitude of my wants and needs so that you begin to empower your visions into your current reality. Your New Year’s resolutions will become a reality. This planet is like a vitamin B shot so that your heart starts beating faster and the sense of adventure is calling you. It’s time to take the initiative and liberate yourself from the antiquated patterns of living and embrace the spontaneity of life. This planet is filled with electricity not only to turn you on to become more active in your life but become more magnetic so that people are drawn to you in a professional way but more in a personal way so new friends, social life and partnerships open up your life when you least expect it so, you need to take off that breast plate and enjoy this enduring moment and the sensuous tastes of life that accompany it. You are no longer being consumed by negative domination, static, or by people or situations that bring about emotionally taxing problems. Even Mercury the planet of communication will work with Uranus to bring about unorthodox friendships but especially a relationship so it’s not a time to be conservative but to be impulsive because your world can expand from the neighborhood to going to Europe, California or the warm shores of Cancun. Neptune, the planet of your emotions and feelings begins to exercise the right side of your brain so that art, music, poetry, and romance hold you in its’ arms. The organics of your organism begin to take its rightful place as you expand the circumference of your life. Pay very close attention to your feelings and dreams because they can materialize into a tangible manifestation. You need to accommodate yourself to the fundamental movement of your soul. Take some classes, attend a seminar or read a book that takes you to deeper depths of awareness. The pragmatism of physical survival gives way to the allure of the Divine. With the temporal needs on the back burner, you can begin to posture yourself by taking walks in the park, experiencing nature, so that you reconnect with the I-center bringing clarity to situations. This will also help you to overcome the inertia of the past so that you begin to seek individual fulfillment. As you begin to repolarize yourself and life, radical changes begin to surface and become a reality as they condense. Your gracious charm, optimism and willingness to share introduces you to new friends but more importantly to a new person that can complement your heart. Mars, causes you to begin to assert yourself and move forward in creating a new definition of yourself and life. Jupiter is the only planet that can cause some problems. It deals with some people that are not what they appear to be. That’s because this planet can exaggerate so that the content of some conversations are nothing more than a Hollywood script. Your intuition is a very accurate measure of judgment so listen to that gut feeling. Be discerning with what you read as well as classes or lectures that you want to sign up for. Put off travel until February and be discriminating with some social venues.
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