Thomas is a professional astrologer accredited and certified through the American Federation of Astrologers and the International Society of Astrological Research.
Besides being a writer, teacher and lecturer he is also a radio and television personality as well as a consultant to an international clientele. His mission is to furnish his clients with information about planetary influences and how one is being swayed by these outer circumstances that mold the conditions within oneself.
“Between stimulus and response is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom”
Viktor E, Frankl
As I enter my 43rd year in the world of astrology I would like to thank my wife Renee, friends, students, clients and colleagues for their support. You have been a catalyst in realizing my vision into a tangible form so my sincere thanks.
One of the most important aspects of astrology is the time of birth. This is because for 4 minutes of time the heavens appear to stand still in their apparent motion and will not replicate this moment for approximately 26,000 years. Thus, the raw materials of the heavens as well as Karma then impregnate the design of your architectural blueprint. This then brings about a new consciousness in which the soul can draw upon for sustenance. But one must remember the soul has chosen this moment to bring about a closer relationship between you and the Prime Creator.
One can either succumb to what some call fate which can then preserve conditions in life or empower oneself and refuse to be dominated by the externals of the existing planetary configurations. My job is to act as catalyst in understanding the changing paradigms that deal with your future or the stages of growth in your evolutionary path.