The first day of Spring will arrive here in Nashville on Thursday March 20th at the corrected time of 3:49 AM CDT. This is when the Earth enters a new portal or gateway of the heavens that we call Aries, which will impregnate its celestial pageantry here on Earth. The days and nights are almost equal but as we move forward in the year the days become longer.
Aries is the leader or the host of the Zodiac which is energized by the creative forces of Spring which then becomes mirrored within us so, it’s a time to get out of hibernation and seek the breath of growth, a sounding of the 7 trumpets which represent the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. A time to create, assert, and challenge oneself to transmute the desires of the ego so that one can give rise to the organic ingredients which have been incubating deep within you urging the awakening of your divinity. One begins to separate the trash from the treasures. The sign of Aries is a fire sign which causes one to want to forge ahead, bringing about new frontiers. A time if only for a moment to detach oneself from the lower vibrational reality that serves the matter of the flesh and awaken the seed consciousness that evokes and connects you to the Light. Those that are into yoga need to massage your 7 chakras that activate the meridians of energy that are within and surround us all. This presents a problem to many because the density of their ego has become ensnared in materialism Just as Yeshua and Osiris became resurrected you can also gain access into the higher realms of initiation by transmuting your being and begin to fashion your world by giving your soul a chance to begin its rebirth, a renewing of the inner self that promotes a cosmic perception to our dimly lit senses. This brings about a period of detoxification so that you begin a fresh approach to life as you begin to see through the veneer of the matrix that surrounds us all. This will then awaken the spiritual aspirant so that they may escape from the errors of our modern selves and separate oneself from their earthly desires and wishes. Look at how the seeds of nature have developed into buds and then onto the blooming of a flower, well this is exactly what happens to those that have spiritually and intellectually evolved. This is when you are given the opportunity to recover your hidden potentials, the intimate dimensions of yourself. No more masquerade as the ego gives way to the soul. A time to address your curiosity and put on your spiritual robe and begin your ascension process and become better acquainted with the wisdom of the Living Light. Let the antiquated self-begin to slowly perish and cultivate your Divine seed so that you can build a new design that emanates from your true core and then escape from the animated attractions of your senses that have been conditioned by the linear matrix we now live in. It’s just a matter of deprogramming your physical entity so that you begin the process of resurrection, bringing about a shift that will lead you into a new paradigm of life. Be the pilgrim and set out on a new voyage. This is not an overnight process but as you plant new seeds and fertilize your spiritual interests you begin to see a larger faction of reality that is happening. It’s time to embrace art, music, or theater to further ignite the right side of your brain. You may want to be more aware of what you’re putting into your body so that your soul is less imbedded and dependent on the toxins that it’s been fed.
There are 4 Archangels that rule the 4 seasons which bring about a new cosmic script that will impact earthly affairs and each is a guardian of humanity but especially those of you that are on the path of spiritual evolution. Spring is ruled by the Archangel Raphael, which assists with your needs and the sufferings to help purify one through grace and kindness. He is sometimes known as Mercury or Hermes and carried a staff entwined by 2 serpents, one white and one black which represent the Initiation. He is our celestial guide for the next 3 months to those that have attuned themselves to a higher calling. This is also when you, the Disciples and the Initiates are called to take their rightful place so that you may activate your pituitary and pineal gland to help elevate those around you with the living mana.
Aries is all about what you want, so this is an excellent time to think about the intentions that you want to fabricate in your life, to coax forth the language of the heavens. Those that are less evolved can certainly be reckless in their behavior because it will be difficult to embrace these higher frequencies because of a lack of understanding within their consciousness. So, an attitude of greed, selfishness and hostility can prevail towards others. This shows you how difficult it may be for some people to come to terms with the reality that they live in, but for others this can be a moment to restore that which has been deficient, which then deepens and broadens their frame of reference.
For those that want a deeper connection to this moment you will want to burn 5 purple candles which corresponds for this purpose. Wear the colour of purple or white and burn frankincense, myrrh or sage as well as face East in your meditation which should take place within the first hour of the sunrise. Write your intention in red and then burn it so that it can transmute itself and manifest into your 3rd dimension reality.
Those of you that are in the Benton, AR area the time that Spring will occur is a correct time of 4:13 AM on the 20th.